
Do you remember the crazy, turbulent times of the beginning of the covid pandemic, that notorious March 2020? The beginning of the face mask era, the hunt for flour and toilet paper; horror in the hearts, confusion in the minds and the expectation of a world collapse? But the main fear was the following – how on earth are we going to survive within 4 walls, being locked up at home?

That's when it all started. A group of enthusiasts on Facebook, God bless them, organized a truly fascinating project. The challenge was to reproduce an art work (a painting or a sculpture) at home using anything one would have at home, take a photo of it and post it next to the original. Photoshop or any other graphic editors were prohibited. Similar projects were blossoming around the globe, their popularity grew hour-by-hour.

My friend invited me to the Facebook group with the brief but powerful comment “You need to be there”. I dutifully checked the site, praised the participants and their creativity and with the sense of accomplishment closed it. Of course I wasn’t capable of anything like this!

Yet I decided to sleep on this idea, and woke up in a different mood. What will happen if I try? – I thought to myself. And off I went starting with “Gypsy” by Orest Kiprensky. I nearly burnt down the house by the candle. Of course I didn’t resemble my prototype at all (I mean it). But.. guys, what fun it was!

Surprisingly enough I was greeted warmly at Facebook and was greatly motivated to go on with the project!

It was the decision of the century and a birth of a great project! Mysteriously, all the burdens of the pandemic faded into obscurity so much that I simply stopped noticing them. Art entered into my life, I got to know my wonderfully crazy art friends, thousands of readers of the IsoIzolation group with all their various reviews and opinions. I embarked on a whole new life, filled with plenty of adventures, new experiences, discoveries and joy.

Welcome to the gallery to see the results of this beautiful period! I am constantly working on the English version of the descriptions to each of them, they will be uploaded soon. 

In the meantime please visit the group IzoIsolation on Facebook to see more works! 

2022 © Olga IZO. All Rights Reserved